Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language. It refers to the need for the verb used in a sentence to agree in number with the subject. This means that if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural, and if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too. In sixth grade, students learn about this important rule and need to practice it to perfect their writing skills. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement exercises for grade six students.

Exercise 1: Identifying the Subject and Verb

In this exercise, students need to identify the subject and verb in a sentence and ensure that they agree in number. For instance:

– The dog barks loudly. (Subject: Dog, Verb: Barks)

– The cats chase the mice. (Subject: Cats, Verb: Chase)

– My sister and I play tennis every weekend. (Subject: Sister and I, Verb: Play)

Exercise 2: Finding the Correct Verb Form

In this exercise, students need to select the correct verb form based on the subject. For example:

– She (has/have) a pet bird. (Correct Answer: Has)

– They (does/do) their homework every night. (Correct Answer: Do)

– The class (is/are) noisy today. (Correct Answer: Is)

Exercise 3: Matching Subjects and Verbs

In this exercise, students need to match the subject to the correct verb form. For instance:

– The student (study/studies) hard. (Correct Answer: Studies)

– My friends (like/likes) to play board games. (Correct Answer: Like)

– The apples (is/are) in the basket. (Correct Answer: Are)

Exercise 4: Writing Sentences with Correct Subject-Verb Agreement

In this exercise, students need to write sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. For example:

– The bird (fly) in the sky. (Corrected Version: The bird flies in the sky.)

– My grandparents (visit) us every summer. (Corrected Version: My grandparents visit us every summer.)

– The girls (dance) gracefully. (Corrected Version: The girls dance gracefully.)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement exercises are important for sixth-grade students to master as they enhance their writing skills. These exercises help them to understand the necessity of the rule and to write grammatically correct sentences. Therefore, teachers and parents should encourage sixth-graders to practice subject-verb agreement exercises regularly to improve their writing skills.